Apply for the 2023 Loudoun Jazz Society Scholarship

The Loudoun Jazz Society is offering a college scholarship in the amount of $1000. Applicants will be voted on by the LJS Board of Directors. The deadline to submit all required materials is Sunday, May 14, 2023.

To be considered, the applicant must:
—Be a high school senior (public school, private school, or home schooled program)
—Demonstrate that they have been actively involved in music
—Write an essay about “What inspires your interest in jazz and why” (250 words or less,
single spaced, 12 font)

Additionally, the applicant may choose to:
—Provide a (1) recommendation from a teacher/instructor/mentor
—State their current high school GPA
—Submit a link to or file of a performance

This scholarship award is guaranteed, and the winner will be announced at the May 21st jam session.


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April Newsletter